On Sunday 14th April we welcomed Reem Al Mealla to our April Living Room Dialogue to speak about Climate Change and what a feisty young lady she is. She brought four friends, who are also actively involved in the Arab Youth Climate Movement movement and she used the evening to describe the birth of the Movement and their passion to bring a change of attitude towards the issue of Climate Change in the region and in Bahrain. Her presentation encouraged lively discussion that carried on long after the formal ending. Afterwards I received this gracious note from Reem:
Thank you so much for the opportunity, your kindness, welcoming ways and prayers. We had a wonderful time and the team was very happy to be there. The people were all lovely and the Cathedral has been amazing with us. We all felt blessed and grateful to be there.
On Tuesday morning inspired and reassured that what is put in recycling bins is recycled, though not necessarily in Bahrain, I took a huge pile of paper, plastics, glass and tins to our nearest recycling bins. It is amazing what one household produces in a relatively short period and how much must be dumped somewhere and therefore how a community could begin to change attitudes by seriously engaging in it. In my last parish we even raised quite substantial amounts of money by having a recycling paper bin in the car park of the church.