In the evening following the evening service I met with a small group of Chinese, two of whom have expressed a desire for baptism. Ever since I visited a Bible study group last summer, we have had a growing number attending our Sunday evening service and now the Monday morning Lent group. There are a large number of Chinese working in the telecommunications industry in Bahrain, so the potential for reaching out to this group is immense. It would be good if we were able to provide some English tuition – the demand is clearly there – so if there are those who could give time to conversational English, let me know. A recent Bible Society magazine The Bible in Transmission was wholly devoted to the Church in China. Here are a few points made in various articles:
China is rapidly becoming the largest Christian country in the world….The issue of leadership needs to be addressed by the entire Chinese church if Christianity is to continue to blossom….There seems little doubt that the growing number of Christians in China are determined to make an impact.
What could we do as a Christian community in Bahrain to encourage and support this distinctive group within our cathedral family? |