Living Room Dialogues
October –December 2015
Sundays at 7.30pm in The Deanery (following the 6.15pm Evening service). Bring and share food please
Sunday 11th October
Nicola Smith and Stanna Wieclawska Kyriakou, President and Vice-President of The Freedom Dolls Initiative are visiting us from Cyprus and sharing their experience in addressing human trafficking. As a Church we have been supporting this organization through selling freedom dolls.
Kawthar Lanbari will be speaking on The Role of Journalistic Translation in International Relations, which is the subject of her PhD thesis for which she is working at the Sorbonne. She is working at the Art Rotana Hotel, but she has been a prominent journalist with the Bahrain News Agency interviewing ambassadors and politicians.
Sunday 13th December
A bring and share evening not just of food, but of carols, readings, poetry, art that have an Advent and Christmas theme. Bring a contribution from your own country perhaps, that will enrich all of our journeys to Christmas.