Dean's Blog

Marking the 70th Anniversary of the Death of Dietrich Bonhoeffer: 31st May 2015

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was one of the most influential theologians of the 20th Century and honoured as one of the 20th century’s martyrs with a statue on the west bonhoefferfront of Westminster Abbey. Twenty years ago on Good Friday, Alan Gaunt, a colleague in the United Reformed Church in Windermere,  prepared a service to mark the 50th Anniversary of his death on April 9th 1945, executed at Flossenburg, just weeks before Hitler’s suicide, for his active opposition to Nazism and his part in plotting Hitler’s death. This was a remarkable change for a man who was a pacifist, but he clearly understood that God’s victory means our defeat, our humiliation and that there was a choice between Christianity or Germanism. I used the service ten years ago in my previous parish in Kent on the 6oth anniversary and now this year on the 70th.