Your Marriage
Your Marriage
Congratulations on your forthcoming marriage.
If you are planning a wedding in Bahrain, we hope that you will want to consider St Christopher’s Cathedral. It is both a special place of worship and prayer and home to a vibrant international community. It is a place that has witnessed and continues to mark some of the most important events of life’s journey and the clergy team at St Christopher’s will want to make your day as personal and memorable for you as possible.
Whether you are intending your wedding to be a big celebration, with many guests invited, or a simple occasion, with only a few family and friends, the essential service is the same and the vows declared before God and those gathered carry the same weight.
The first step is to call the Cathedral office to speak to the Administrator or the Dean (Tel:(+973) 17253866). He will want to meet you so he can begin to get to know you and to talk through your hopes and expectations.
Although the structure of the Anglican service is fixed, there are all sorts of possible personal choices that can make the service unique to you. One good place to look is the Church of England website on Marriage and you can even find an online ceremony planner
Your wedding day is, of course, only the launch day for a lifetime’s commitment and journey together, so the planning of your marriage service is an opportunity to reflect on and talk through your hopes and expectations for marriage. And the Church will be there to support and encourage you in the months and years ahead.
Success in marriage is more than finding the right person: |