Living Room Dialogues

Living Room Dialogues – March – June 2016

Living Room Dialogues
Sundays at 7.30pm (following the 6.15pm Service) 
in The Deanery (on the Cathedral compound)                  

Bring-and-Share Food followed by a speaker.

Sunday 13 March

Tim Woodward is Network Manager of Bahrain Public Transport, which is the new company operating bus services across the Kingdom of Bahrain in partnership with the Ministry of Transportation. He will be speaking on the theme Transforming Bahrain’s Public Transport System. Prior to coming to Bahrain Tim worked for National Express in the UK in a variety of roles, responsible for network and route planning and scheduling, handling major projects and event management, including Pope Benedict XVIs visit to Birmingham in 2010.

Sunday 8th May

Andrew Kelly is a research analyst for the Middle East Programme of the International Institute for Strategic Studies, the organization that brings the Manama Dialogue to Bahrain. His most recent focus for research has been Israel/Palestine and he will be speaking on the escalation of tensions in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, the political context, the drivers of the recent violence and the implications for the peace process.


Sunday 12th June

Angie Thadani is based with the International Organization for Migration in Cairo. Her early days there were very challenging: food poisoning, robbery and a cockroach infested apartment. In Cairo, she works in a regional knowledge hub that generates research on irregular migration – to, through and from North Africa – with a view to inform policy, programming and advocacy and ensure the protection of migrants. She also acts as the secretariat of the North Africa Mixed Migration Task Force that works to promote a human rights based approach to managing migration flows.. She will be reflecting on the challenges faced by Governments and refugees in this context.