Over the past month the children in Friday Club have been exploring the story of Moses and on Friday they led our service in a liturgy rooted in Moses’ life and retelling the story through a Bible reading, dramatic sketch, a TV interview of Moses and through the puppets telling the story of the plagues and the Exodus with the younger children terrorizing the congregation with frogs, locusts, boils and eventually the angel of death. Our hope was that it would not be a performance, but worship led by the children and certainly they learnt so much more by doing. The key theme of the service – and the subject of my sermon – was  how the events and experiences of Moses’ earlier life shaped him for his leadership role of the people of Israel and the children encouraged the congregation to write down our particular gifts on leaves which were then put on a burning bush display in the coffee room.
 After the service many of the congregation headed for the BAPCO compound for a poolside bbq and swim for all who wanted. It was an ideal venue and an opportunity for many who don’t have access to a swimming pool to enjoy the well shaded facility. It also brought the Tamil and other congregations together.