Easter morning began at 5.30am in the American Mission Hospital car park with an ecumenical service and it was good to see several faces from the Cathedral community. I was a little disappointed in the lack of congregation singing this year, and this was confirmed by others who said the same, so I must feed this back. But it is a good thing for the wider Christian community to come together in this way and I am grateful to the National Evangelical Church for organizing it each year.
The Easter egg hunt in our garden seemed a popular event though sadly by the time I’d got back from Awali, it was too late to join in. It was lovely to see the children’s Easter altar frontal such a focus for everyone. Over the weeks of Lent in Friday Club they have been exploring the theme of the Colours of Easter, so to see all the colours put together in a collage was a joy. Well done to Friday Club and all their leaders.
I was struck this Easter by the gradual journey from coming to anoint Jesus body following his death to receiving the message about the resurrection to unbelief (the women are talking “nonsense”) to the wondering of Peter when he too encounters the empty tomb: What if it is really true?
The writer of the travels of Ibn Battuta, Tim Mackingtosh-Smith, was at the morning service and after the service he revealed his talents as an organist, a former organ scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge, so Tricia took the opportunity to invite him to come and give an organ recital when he is next in Bahrain.